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A charitable specialist college
Our Teams
Our Programmes
At CANTO we have a very diverse student group not only in it's academic ability but also in the funding streams used to attend. Due to this we have a wide age range amongst our students as well as days of attendance. Whilst students who access CANTO through education funding attending for 3 days a week students attending through other forms of funding attend from one half day to five full days depending on their funding package. To accommodate this we aim to provide sessions and a timetable that fits a wide range of need, including the diverse age range and days of attendance, so that all students are access a programme appropriate to themselves.
iCan - Education Funded Programme
We have a diverse group of students access this funding, most of whom choose to attend CANTO when leaving school at the end of years 11 or 13. Students who have a current EHCP in which CANTO is named or are aged up to the age of 18 without an EHCP can access this funded programme.
We have between 5 - 7 groups focused on delivering education sessions at any one time to a wide range of academic ability.
These groups are all focus on core elements at an appropriate level which whilst building academic ability will also seek to develop independence and personal and social skills.
To support this CANTO is an accredited centre delivering nationally recognised qualifications through NCFE.
To support a wide range of need our groups vary in size from 4-8, to support the needs within the group there are varying levels of support staff.
Dependent on the group activities will include maths, English, ICT, personal and social skills, work centre, and opportunity to access vocational areas if appropriate for qualifications in Art, Photography and Cookery.
The education funded programme is for up to 3 full days of attendance, some students have been able to increase their attendance through other sources.
We also have a group of students (usually in their 2nd or 3rd year) with us that are in our supported internship group. These students receive a high level of support as they move towards being able to access some form of work, or course progress at the conclusion of their time at CANTO.
Turing - Funded by local authority, personal budgets, NHS teams etc.
As with our education funded programme we have a very diverse group of students who attend on our Turing programme.
Students attending on our Turing programme have sometimes secured funding at the conclusion of their education funded programme or alternatively have been referred to CANTO by numerous other sources.
Dependent on the funding agreed students are able to access between 1/2 day and 5 days activity. This all takes place within groups of between 5-8.
There are varying levels of staffing support within the groups dependent on the assessed need of the students.
The Turing programme is aimed at developing independence and personal social skills through mainly practically based activities these include: horticulture, hospitality, animal care, sports, art, drama, ICT and functional skills.
All students have identified targets to work towards during the course of their programme with regular reviews taking place to measure progress.