CALL US: 01604 741150
A charitable specialist college
Activity Evenings
Monday activity evenings are a chance for students to enjoy activities and socialise together in a supportive environment outside of the normal sessions. Groups of students supported by CANTO staff are able to access a wide range of activities booking in individually or to all events dependent on their interests. Please contact Zoe if you are interested in making a booking on Tel 01604 741150.
Current Planned Activities 2023
17th April - Meal out
24th April - Bowling
1st May - Bank Holiday CANTO Closed
8th May - Bank Holiday CANTO Closed
15th May - Laser Maze
22nd May - Cinema
29th May - Bank Holiday CANTO Closed
5th June (enrichment week) - Archery
12th June - Cinema
19th June - Bowling
26th June - Sports
3rd July - Trampolining
10th July - Laser Mase
17th July - Archery