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iCan/Education Sessions


Most of our sessions take place with group sizes of between 4 and 8. In some of our sessions it has been recognised that it is beneficial to have larger groups such as drama and sports.  An appropriate number of staff are always with each group.  Sessions at CANTO are designed to develop students abilities and help them reach their potential.  Students can choose from a diverse range of activities


The Core Sessions are: 


Functional Skills:  Students work in groups of between 4-8 with a dedicated functional skills tutor.  Sessions are designed to support the student both towards a recognised qualification as well as an increased independence.


Personal and Social Skills:  Students undertake a wide range all aimed at supporting their development of key personal and social skills such as positive relationships, being able to work with others, communication skills, and developing a tolerance of others.


ICT:  Students work in our IT room on a variety of tasks in groups of up to 8. The work can vary between use on recognised software such as Word and Publisher to using the internet and emails as well as covering internet safety.


Work Centre:  Students have the opportunity to practice work based skills in a variety of practical ways.


Current Vocational Options Are:


Art and Design:  Students are encouraged to explore their creative side and cover topics from traditional painting, drawing to jewellery and model making.


Cookery:  Students learn the basics of kitchen hygiene and have the opportunity to explore some basic recipes in our kitchen, which they are able to take home.


Photography:  Students are encouraged to explore their creative side. As well as being taught the basic rules in how to take good pictures.  Students explore image manipulation through the use of an editing software.






CANTO Learning Ltd Charity No 1168455

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